Saturday, February 27, 2010
isaac + snowboarding
Thursday, February 25, 2010
procrastinate all day = no sleepy at night

I have procrastinated alllll day. and because I am a procrastinator I am up all night trying to do the work that should have gotten done this afternoon... and yet I still cannot committt 100% ... I'd rather be blogging, facebook stalking, playing the sims (haha i know how lammmme that sounds) pretending to be on vacayyy ( as shown above -- yea... im cool like that ;)
Id also rather be taking pictureees. I cannnot let me say it again internet, I CANNOT wait for this week to be over and to be officially done with school work so I can 1000% be devoted to photography.
Heres some more randooomm shots that have aided my procrastination (urgghh)
prettty bowl from Dubai
well I'm forcing myself to get back to workkk.
home sweet home
After getting back form an amazing trip to Alberta to visit with Matt and Dakota (and lots of otheer fabulouss friends!) I'm back at home now. Well a new home. I just relocated to mississauga and although this past week has been a whirlwind of exams and studying and papers to finish up my last YES LAST week of UNIVERSITY (holla!) I can tell I am really going to love it here.
Peterborough has this nostalgia about it -my siblings, my grandparents, aunts, uncles heh - most of my family lives there and its where I spent the better part of my childhood. But the four years I spent living in the small town attending Trent University has definitely given me my fill. I'm ready for moreee!
More photography experience, more urban settings, more people just MORE than I feel Peterborough could offer me.
So heres to starting my neww cityy lifeee and expanding my business :) and not seeing a barn every time I drive home (although I love shooting them! this is a shot of my aunts barn, where I spent countless hours of my childhood exploring)
Peterborough has this nostalgia about it -my siblings, my grandparents, aunts, uncles heh - most of my family lives there and its where I spent the better part of my childhood. But the four years I spent living in the small town attending Trent University has definitely given me my fill. I'm ready for moreee!
More photography experience, more urban settings, more people just MORE than I feel Peterborough could offer me.
So heres to starting my neww cityy lifeee and expanding my business :) and not seeing a barn every time I drive home (although I love shooting them! this is a shot of my aunts barn, where I spent countless hours of my childhood exploring)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I read blogs like multiple times a day ( a little obsessed i know ) I just like to see whats up with other photographers and I feel like its so cool to connect with people so anonymously with a blog. One of the many blogs I follow is Claudia Hung's. I met her through a friend and she is my inspiration as a photographer. She was so kind and helpful to me and made me realize that my dream can come true and gave me such amazing advice on where to start and how to get better.
I was reading her blog just a few minutes ago and read a post she made about Steve Carty - and I love this segment from his interview and just thought id share with all y'all :)
Idea and execution.
Compelling element.
You have to look at photography in order see what’s current and contemporary but at the same time, if you look too much at photography you become influenced by what other people are doing and you become Style of the Month guy.
There’s only one sun – one light.
If you stop getting that excitement when you get an edit or when you shoot, you need to hang up your camera.
ps. becauseee every post is better with a pictuuure here is a painting i did a few weeks ago :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
dusty old alberta boots ...

For the next two weeks I'm in Lethbridge, Alberta visiting my boyfriend Matt. He goes to school out west and so we have been doing the 'long distance thing' which is hard at times but I think in the end will be really great for us because it allows us the opportunity to really test our relationship and it gives us the chance to be together but still have that independence and the ability to grow individually as well as together.
So finally we get to spend some time together and I'm beyond excited! We have a ski trip planned to Fernie, BC which I'm sooo pumped about because 1. I havn't skied in forevs and 2. were going down a REAL mountain! Hopefully it will go better than my last attempt at winter sports (haha mom -- its a long story Internet, so just take my word that it was not a pretty sight!)
In the meantime here are some shots of Dakota (Matt's puppy) and some randomness of Matt and I.
Friday, February 12, 2010
ice fishing
(If you havn't tried it - you totally should!)
My dad is an avid outdoorsman to say the least, so naturally this has rubbed off a little on us kids. Believe it or not, I love camping and hiking (for a short while lol) and I've been hunting and fishing.
I grew up in the city but I'm so great full that my dad has shared his passion for the outdoors and for wildlife with me and my brothers and sisters because I have had some pretty cool experiences and seen some crazy things because of it.
This past week my dad took me to a lake close to home, we bundled up - found 'the' spot (which my dad says about everyone we move too! lol) and began setting up our hut and got our lines ready ... we sank them to almost the bottom and began the waiting game ...
Well he had 3 to my one fish, but I didn't care ... I just liked spending time with my dad doing something he is so passionate about.
In the absence of all the fish we laughed and talked and had a wonderful afternoon.
Love you Dad :)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
haley - just because

Like I say on my website, just because shoots are soo fun and relaxed! I love them because you get to know your subject(s) a lot and the shots generally are fantastic - really free and candid. Personally I think those shots are really the best because they capture the 'in between'.
In between not kissing and kissing - that moment just before your lips touch, the love that's felt in that second ... In between laughing and then just smiling again - that moment where your soul shines through and all else is lost because your laugh just takes over and lets you be free ... Those in between moments are my favourite because that's where the personality breaks free from the poses and you can really see and capture the soul of your subject.
Here's a few shots of my sister, Haley. This shoot really surprised me in many ways and gave me a glimpse of the person my sister actually is - the part of her she doesn't let shine though often enough. Your beautiful ... smile more :)
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