During my Poppas last weeks with us my mom decided to stay with my nan to help out around her house,make sure she was doing the best she could be and to just minimize as much stress as possible. Along with my mom came her little dog max. Max is a tea cup yorkie, who is soso adorable that whenever I see him my voice goes into cutey cutey baby mode and I just can't stop hugging and loving him. Max has this affect on a lot of people, including my nan.
She found comfort in his soft cuddles and warm kisses during one of the hardest times in her life. Max was the one who brought a smile to her face and eased her pain. My mom offered Max to nan because she knew how much they had grown to love one another and how comforting it was to be able to hold little Max and take peace in the great listening skills of a dog.
My nan refused my moms offer because she said she couldn't take care of a dog at the moment, and Max belonged to mom - when or if she decided to get a dog, she wanted one that was only herrs. In the past few weeks she had been asking anyone with internet access to look up puppis for her. She looked and looked and finally found Roxy, a shiztu puppy with just as much if not more SASSSS than my nan. The match was perfecccct!
I havn't seen my nan smile the way she does at Roxy in a long time. She is so proud of her adorable little baby. It really warms my heart.
I took Dakota over for a little play date and it was HILARIOUS. Dakota had no idea whatsoever how to play with something so small and tiny. Roxy was constantly bugging dakota, jumping on her, licking her mouth ... so much SASS in such a little thing - I loveeee it!
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