During my first year of university I transferred from Wilfred Laurier to Trent. I transferred after Christmas break, after everyone had roommates and friends and lots of 'first year' adventures. I didn't have a roommate, a friend or annny first year adventures, that is until a few weeks into the semester we had dorm meeting. After this meeting, I put my nerves and shyness aside and walked up to this group of girls who I thought looked fun and the least hippyish. We talked for a few minutes, and then one of the girls said " my names Anne and no one else is cool soo you should probably be friiends with us" That was it - I became besties with not one but 4 amazing girls, and throughout the next four years we had many adventures that I won't soon forget.

Anne is one of the most vivacious people I know, shes loud, funny, has a sweet sweet heart and is a great friend. Over the years that we have known one another I have also got the pleasure to get to know her family who are also vibrant and such genuine people! Her oldest brother, Patrick moved to Indonesia to pursue his career as a Pilot. This past month he was home for a holiday and her mom really wanted to get some family portraits done. So I went over to their place on Monday for a 'just because' session and it was beyond fun. I think my cheek muscles were stuck in a laughing position when I left!

Leanne and Paul, your family is soso wonderful. Thank you for inviting me into your home to share in these moments with you, I hope you love them, I really enjoyed capturing them :)

Enjoy the sneak peak!