The day started off with excited smiles and easy conversation because that's how its always been with Mandy. We met one summer working our way through post secondary studies at Home Depot and have been friends ever since. We bonded over our mutual love/hattte relationship with our job...we loved it because we got to chat and socialize with one another but hated doing the actual 'cashiering' part. She is a great listener, gives the best advice and is the most genuine and sweet person I have ever met.
Her and Kevin have been together for years and I couldn't think of two people more perfect for one another. They compliment each other in every way, and like Mandy he is so sincere (and funny!) and I love them both very much! Their love reminds me of 'old' love. I say old love because its the kind of love that lasts through anything, its the love you see when hes 85 and still opening doors for her. Its the look in his eye when Mandy is talking, like she is the most stunning and beautiful girl in the world (which she is). Its the way she takes his hand, and loves sweet forehead kisses. Their love is strong and beautiful and I wish them the very best life, filled with love and a lot of forehead kisses.
yeaa thaatss definitelly somme bliiiiiiinnnnnggg
Im so honored I was able to sneak a peak at their love during the engagement session and I cannot wait to be apart of the day we all have been waiting for, when they promise forever to one another on December 31st, 2o11. x0 jad
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