Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
feeedddinnng frennnzy

ive been suffering a bit fromm being jet lagged and from boredom since i dont have a car and im staying at my parents which is in the middle of the country ...
wanna know whats been occupying my time?? (other than surfthechannel lol) --- this wicked awesome video game ... feeding frenzy (lol its basically the worst graphics and most old school game out there but its totally addicting and i would def. recommend it if you want to procrastinate ... kill time.. etc.
lol this screen shot gives you an idea ...
I arrived home earlllyyy monday morning (took the the red eye, which was SO exhausting!) It feels so strange being back - nothings changed, yet everything has. Alberta was stunning, the people were friendly and fun ... it just didnt have that 'homey' feeling which i love and need. So heres to starting the next chapter in my life - over again ...
on a side note ...
i hope everyone had an awesome halloween weekend! i for sure did - my friend kathryn cameee from ontario to visit for the weekend (bad timing since i was coming home in just a few days -but it was soo fun!) some highlights from the weekend - climbing a mountain ... shooting a glock (sp?) being scared to death by little children in a haunted house lol ... it was really great :)